PyLNP Developer Reference ######################### This document will describe PyLNP from a developer's perspective. Licensing ========= PyLNP is licensed under the ISC license (see ``COPYING.txt``), which essentially allows you to modify and distribute changes as you see fit. (This only applies to the launcher. Any bundled utilities, graphics packs, etc. have their own licenses; refer to those projects separately.) Acquiring the source code ========================= The source code is available at `Github `. If you wish to contribute to PyLNP development, a pull request will be much appreciated. Coding guidelines ================= - All source files must start with the following preamble (followed by a blank line for separation):: #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """""" - As a rule of thumb, `PEP 8 ` should be followed. *In particular*, `pylint` should return no errors or warnings when run on the source code (using the provided `pylintrc` file). Any and all messages generated by `pylint` must either be fixed or explicitly suppressed on a case-by-case basis. Formatting-related messages (line length, indentation, etc.) must *always* be fixed. Examples of valid suppressions: - PyInstaller requires a certain package to appear in an `import` statement in order to create working binaries, but the statement doesn't need to actually run at any point in time. Here, it is valid to place the `import` statement in an `if False:` block and suppress the resulting `using-constant-test` message. - Inner functions defined for the purpose of callbacks are permitted to not have docstrings, but the warning for this must be suppressed for the individual function. - PyLNP is divided into two main components: `core`, which is the main application, and `tkgui`, which represents the UI. The UI *must only* perform non-UI work by calling into functions of the `core` library. This is to simplify implementation of alternative user interfaces. Where possible, `core` methods should not call into the UI; in cases where this is unavoidable, the method must be documented in the `UI` class defined in ``. List of Modules =============== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :glob: core/* tkgui/*