Source code for tkgui.layout

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint:disable=unused-wildcard-import,wildcard-import,attribute-defined-outside-init
"""Layout helpers for the TKinter GUI."""

from . import controls

[docs]class GridLayouter(object): """Class to automate grid layouts.""" def __init__(self, cols, pad=(0, 0)): """ Constructor for GridLayouter. Args: cols: number of columns for the grid. pad: the amount (x, y) of padding between elements """ self.cols = cols self.controls = [] self.used = [] try: self.pad = (int(pad), int(pad)) except TypeError: # not an int; assume tuple self.pad = pad
[docs] def add(self, control, span=1, **opts): """ Adds a control to the grid. Args: control: the control to add. span: the number of columns to span (defaults to 1). opts: extra options for the grid layout. """ if control is controls.fake_control: return self.controls.append((control, span, opts)) self.layout()
[docs] def layout(self): """Applies layout to the added controls.""" cells_used = 0 max_index = len(self.controls) - 1 for i, c in enumerate(self.controls): c = list(c) while True: row = cells_used // self.cols col = cells_used % self.cols if (row, col) not in self.used: break cells_used += 1 padx = 0 if col == 0 else (self.pad[0], 0) pady = 0 if row == 0 else (self.pad[1], 0) if ((i == max_index and col != self.cols - 1) or ( i < max_index and col + c[1] + self.controls[i + 1][1] > self.cols)): # Pad colspan if last control, or next control won't fit colspan = self.cols - col for n in range(col + 1, self.cols): if (row, n) in self.used: colspan = n - col break c[1] = colspan c[0].grid( row=row, column=col, sticky="nsew", columnspan=c[1], padx=padx, pady=pady, **c[2]) if 'rowspan' in c[2]: for n in range(1, c[2]['rowspan'] + 1): self.used.append((row + n, col)) cells_used += c[1]