Source code for tkgui.controls
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint:disable=unused-wildcard-import,wildcard-import
"""Controls used by the TKinter GUI."""
import sys
import tkinter.font as tkFont
import types
from tkinter import * # noqa: F403
from tkinter import simpledialog
from tkinter.ttk import * # noqa: F403
from core.lnp import lnp
from . import binding
# Monkeypatch simpledialog to use themed dialogs from ttk
if sys.platform != 'darwin': # OS X looks better without patch
simpledialog.Toplevel = Toplevel
simpledialog.Entry = Entry
simpledialog.Frame = Frame
simpledialog.Button = Button
# Make Enter on button with focus activate it
TtkButton = Button
[docs]class Button(TtkButton): # pylint:disable=function-redefined,missing-class-docstring
def __init__(self, master=None, **kw):
TtkButton.__init__(self, master, **kw)
if 'command' in kw:
self.bind('<Return>', lambda e: kw['command']())
class _AutoScrollbar(Scrollbar):
"""A scrollbar that hides itself if it's not needed."""
def set(self, first, last):
"""Only show scrollbar when there's more content than will fit."""
# pylint:disable=no-member
if not lnp.userconfig.get_bool('tkgui_show_scroll'):
if (float(first) <= 0.0 and float(last) >= 1.0) or (
hasattr(self, 'hidden') and self.hidden):
Scrollbar.set(self, first, last)
class _ToolTip(object):
"""Tooltip widget."""
def __init__(self, widget, text):
self.widget = widget
self.tipwindow = None = None
self.event = None
self.text = text = False
def showtip(self):
"""Displays the tooltip.""" = True
if self.tipwindow or not self.text:
x = self.widget.winfo_pointerx() + 16
y = self.widget.winfo_pointery() + 16
self.tipwindow = tw = Toplevel(self.widget)
tw.wm_geometry("+%d+%d" % (x, y))
# pylint:disable=protected-access
# For OS X
"::tk::unsupported::MacWindowStyle", "style", tw._w, "help",
except TclError:
label = Label(
tw, text=self.text, justify=LEFT, background="#ffffe0",
relief=SOLID, borderwidth=1)
def hidetip(self):
"""Hides the tooltip."""
tw = self.tipwindow
self.tipwindow = None = False
if tw:
def settext(self, text):
Sets the tooltip text and redraws it if necessary.
text: the new tooltip text.
if text == self.text:
self.text = text
__ui = None
# pylint:disable=too-few-public-methods
class _FakeControl(object):
"""Fake control returned if an option doesn't exist."""
# pylint:disable=unused-argument
def grid(*args, **kwargs):
"""Prevents breaking for code that tries to lay out the control."""
pack = grid
fake_control = _FakeControl()
[docs]def init(ui):
"""Connect to a TkGui instance."""
# pylint:disable=global-statement
global __ui
__ui = ui
[docs]def create_tooltip(widget, text):
Creates and returns a tooltip for a widget.
widget: the widget to associate the tooltip to.
text: the tooltip text.
tooltip = _ToolTip(widget, text)
# pylint:disable=unused-argument
def enter(event):
Event handler on mouse enter.
event: the event data."""
if tooltip.event:
tooltip.event = widget.after(_TOOLTIP_DELAY, tooltip.showtip)
def leave(event):
Event handler on mouse exit.
event: the event data.
if tooltip.event is not None:
tooltip.event = None
widget.bind('<Enter>', enter)
widget.bind('<Leave>', leave)
return tooltip
[docs]def create_control_group(parent, text, dual_column=False):
Creates and returns a Frame or Labelframe to group controls.
text: the caption for the Labelframe. If None, returns a Frame.
dual_column: configure the frame for a dual-column grid layout if True.
f = None
if text is not None:
f = Labelframe(parent, text=text)
f = Frame(parent)
f.configure(pad=(2, 0, 2, 2))
if dual_column:
f.columnconfigure((0, 1), weight=1, uniform=1)
return f
[docs]def create_option_button(
parent, text, tooltip, option, update_func=None):
Creates and returns a button bound to an option.
parent: the parent control for the button.
text: the button text.
tooltip: the tooltip for the button.
option: the keyword used for the option.
update_func: if given, a reference to a function that pre-processes the
given option for display.
return create_trigger_option_button(
parent, text, tooltip, lambda: __ui.cycle_option(option), option,
[docs]def create_trigger_button(parent, text, tooltip, command):
Creates and returns a button that triggers an action when clicked.
The parent control for the button.
The button text.
The tooltip for the button.
Reference to the function called when the button is clicked.
b = Button(parent, text=text, command=command)
create_tooltip(b, tooltip)
return b
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
[docs]def create_trigger_option_button(
parent, text, tooltip, command, option, update_func=None):
Creates and returns a button bound to an option, with a special action
triggered on click.
parent: the parent control for the button.
text: the button text.
tooltip: the tooltip for the button.
command: Reference to the function called when the button is clicked.
option: the keyword used for the option.
update_func: f given, a reference to a function that pre-processes the
given option for display.
if not binding.version_has_option(option):
return fake_control
b = create_trigger_button(parent, text, tooltip, command)
binding.bind(b, option, update_func)
return b
[docs]def create_scrollbar(parent, control, **gridargs):
Creates and layouts a vertical scrollbar associated to <control>.
parent: the parent control for the scrollbar.
control: the control to attach the scrollbar to.
gridargs: Keyword arguments used to apply grid layout to the scrollbar.
s = _AutoScrollbar(parent, orient=VERTICAL, command=control.yview)
control['yscrollcommand'] = s.set
s.grid(sticky="ns", **gridargs)
if not lnp.userconfig.get_bool('tkgui_show_scroll'):
return s
[docs]def listbox_identify(listbox, y):
"""Returns the index of the listbox item at the supplied (relative) y
item = listbox.nearest(y)
if item != -1 and listbox.bbox(item)[1] + listbox.bbox(item)[3] > y:
return item
return None
[docs]def listbox_dyn_tooltip(listbox, item_get, tooltip_get):
"""Attaches a dynamic tooltip to a listbox.
listbox: The listbox to attach to.
item_get: A function taking the index of the item and returning a
reference to the item.
tooltip_get: A function taking a reference to an item and returning
its tooltip (or the empty string for no tooltip).
tooltip = create_tooltip(listbox, '')
def motion_handler(event):
Event handler for mouse motion over items in a listbox.
If the mouse has moved out of the last list element, hides the tooltip.
Then, if the mouse is over a list item, wait controls._TOOLTIP_DELAY
milliseconds (without mouse movement) before showing the tooltip"""
item = listbox.identify(event.y)
if item is not None:
item = item_get(item)
def show():
"""Sets and shows a tooltip"""
if tooltip.event:
tooltip.event = None
if not item or tooltip_get(item) != tooltip.text:
if item:
tooltip.event = listbox.after(_TOOLTIP_DELAY, show)
listbox.bind('<Motion>', motion_handler)
[docs]def treeview_tag_set(tree, tag, item, state=True, toggle=False):
Adds or removes a tag from the Treeview item's tags. Returns True if
tag is now set or False if it is not.
item: Treeview item id
state: True to set the tag; False to remove the tag.
toggle: If set to True, will toggle the tag. Overrides on.
# This is necessary because tag_add and tag_remove are not in the Python
# bindings for Tk, and this is more readable (and likely not any slower)
# than using arcane syntax
tags = list(tree.item(item, 'tags'))
is_set = tag in tags
if toggle:
state = not is_set
if state and (not is_set):
elif (not state) and is_set:
tree.item(item, tags=tags)
return state
[docs]def create_file_list(parent, title, listvar, **args):
Creates a file list with a scrollbar. Returns a tuple (frame, listbox).
parent: The parent control for the list.
title: The title for the frame.
listvar: The variable containing the list items.
args: Additions keyword arguments for the file list itself.
(tuple, listbox)
if 'height' not in args:
args['height'] = 4
lf = create_control_group(parent, title)
lf.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=Y)
Grid.columnconfigure(lf, 0, weight=2)
Grid.rowconfigure(lf, 1, weight=1)
lb = Listbox(
lf, listvariable=listvar, activestyle='dotbox', exportselection=0,
lb.identify = types.MethodType(listbox_identify, lb)
lb.grid(column=0, row=0, rowspan=2, sticky="nsew")
create_scrollbar(lf, lb, column=1, row=0, rowspan=2)
return (lf, lb)
[docs]def create_readonly_file_list_buttons(
parent, title, listvar, load_fn, refresh_fn, **args):
Creates a file list with load and refresh buttons. Returns a tuple
(frame, listbox, buttons).
parent: The parent control for the list.
title: The title for the frame.
listvar: The variable containing the list items.
load_fn: Reference to a function to be called when the Load button
is clicked.
refresh_fn: Reference to a function to be called when the Refresh
button is clicked.
args: Additions keyword arguments for the file list itself.
(frame, listbox, buttons)
(lf, lb) = create_file_list(parent, title, listvar, **args)
buttons = Frame(lf)
load = create_trigger_button(buttons, 'Load', 'Load selected', load_fn)
refresh = create_trigger_button(
buttons, 'Refresh', 'Refresh list', refresh_fn)
buttons.grid(column=2, row=0, sticky="n")
return (lf, lb, buttons)
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
[docs]def create_file_list_buttons(
parent, title, listvar, load_fn, refresh_fn, save_fn,
delete_fn, **args):
Creates a file list with load, refresh, save and delete buttons.
Returns a tuple (frame, listbox, buttons).
parent: The parent control for the list.
title: The title for the frame.
listvar: The variable containing the list items.
load_fn: Reference to a function to be called when the Load button
is clicked.
refresh_fn: Reference to a function to be called when the Refresh
button is clicked.
save_fn: Reference to a function to be called when the Save button
is clicked.
delete_fn: Reference to a function to be called when the Delete button
is clicked.
args: Additions keyword arguments for the file list itself.
(frame, listbox, buttons)
(lf, lb, buttons) = create_readonly_file_list_buttons(
parent, title, listvar, load_fn, refresh_fn, **args)
save = create_trigger_button(buttons, 'Save', 'Save current', save_fn)
delete = create_trigger_button(
buttons, 'Delete', 'Delete selected', delete_fn)
return (lf, lb, buttons)
[docs]def add_default_to_entry(entry, default_text):
"""Adds bindings to entry such that when there is no user text in the
entry, the entry will display default_text in grey and italics."""
normal_font = tkFont.Font(font='TkDefaultFont')
default_font = tkFont.Font(font='TkDefaultFont')
entry.default_showing = True
def focus_out(_):
"""Insert text and focus"""
if len(entry.get()) == 0:
entry.insert(0, default_text)
entry.configure(font=default_font, foreground='grey')
entry.default_showing = True
def focus_in(_):
"""Insert text but don't focus"""
if entry.default_showing:
entry.delete(0, END)
entry.configure(font=normal_font, foreground='black')
entry.default_showing = False
entry.bind('<FocusIn>', focus_in)
entry.bind('<FocusOut>', focus_out)
[docs]def create_list_with_entry(parent, title, listvar, buttonspec, **kwargs):
Creates a control group with a listbox, a text entry, and any number of
buttons specified with buttonspec. Does not lay out the control group in
its parent.
parent: The parent control for the list.
title: The title for the frame.
listvar: The variable containing the list items.
buttonspec: A list of tuples (title, tooltip, function) specifying the
a tuple (frame, entry, lsitbox)
entry_default = kwargs.pop('entry_default', None)
if 'height' not in kwargs:
kwargs['height'] = 4
kf = create_control_group(parent, title)
kf.columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
kf.rowconfigure(2, weight=1)
ke = Entry(kf) # text box
ke.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='ewn', pady=(1, 4))
lf = Frame(kf) # Listbox and scrollbar
kb = Listbox(lf, listvariable=listvar, activestyle='dotbox',
exportselection=0, **kwargs)
lf.configure(borderwidth=kb['borderwidth'], relief=kb['relief'])
kb.configure(borderwidth=0, relief='flat')
kb.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='nsew')
create_scrollbar(lf, kb, row=0, column=1)
lf.rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
lf.columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
lf.grid(row=2, column=0, rowspan=1, sticky='nsew')
bf = Frame(kf) # buttons
for i, bn in enumerate(buttonspec):
pad = 0 if i == 0 else (5, 0)
create_trigger_button(bf, *bn).grid(row=i, pady=pad)
bf.grid(column=1, row=1, rowspan=2, sticky='ns', padx=(4, 0))
if entry_default:
add_default_to_entry(ke, entry_default)
return (kf, ke, kb)
[docs]def create_toggle_list(parent, columns, framegridopts, listopts=None):
Creates and returns a two-column Treeview in a frame to show toggleable
items in a list.
parent: The parent control for the Treeview.
columns: Column data for the Treeview.
framegridopts: Additional options for grid layout of the frame.
listopts: Additional options for the Treeview.
if listopts is None:
listopts = {}
lf = Frame(parent)
Grid.rowconfigure(lf, 0, weight=1)
Grid.columnconfigure(lf, 0, weight=1)
lst = Treeview(lf, columns=columns, show=['headings'], **listopts)
lst.tag_set = types.MethodType(treeview_tag_set, lst)
lst.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky="nsew")
create_scrollbar(lf, lst, column=1, row=0)
return lst
[docs]def create_numeric_entry(parent, variable, option, tooltip):
Creates and returns an Entry suitable for input of small, numeric values
and hooks up notification of changes.
parent: The parent control for the Entry.
variable: The StringVar used to store the value internally.
option: The keyword used for the option.
tooltip: The tooltip for the Entry.
if not binding.version_has_option(option):
return fake_control
e = Entry(
parent, width=4, validate='key', justify='center',
validatecommand=__ui.vcmd, textvariable=variable)
"w", lambda name, index, mode: __ui.change_entry(option, variable))
create_tooltip(e, tooltip)
binding.bind(e, option)
return e
# vim:expandtab