Source code for tkgui.binding

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Handles control binding for the TKinter GUI."""

from tkinter import END
from tkinter.ttk import Entry

__controls = {}
__lnp = None
__ui = None

[docs]def init(lnp, ui): """Connect to LNP and TkGui instances.""" # pylint:disable=global-statement global __lnp, __ui __lnp = lnp __ui = ui __controls.clear()
[docs]def bind(control, option, update_func=None): """Binds a control to an option.""" if option not in __controls: __controls[option] = [] if update_func: value = (control, update_func) else: value = control __controls[option].append(value)
[docs]def version_has_option(field): """Returns True if the current DF version has the provided field.""" o = field if not isinstance(field, str): o = field[0] return __lnp.settings.version_has_option(o)
[docs]def get(field): """ Returns the value of the control known as <field>. If multiple controls are bound, the earliest binding is used. """ return __controls[field][0].get()
[docs]def update(): """Updates configuration displays (buttons, etc.).""" def disabled_change_entry(*args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Prevents entry change callbacks from being processed.""" old_change_entry = __ui.change_entry __ui.change_entry = disabled_change_entry for key, option in __controls.items(): try: k = key if not isinstance(k, str): k = key[0] value = getattr(__lnp.settings, k) except KeyError: value = '' for entry in option: if hasattr(entry, '__iter__'): # Allow (control, func) tuples, etc. to customize value control = entry[0] value = entry[1](value) else: control = entry if isinstance(control, Entry): control.delete(0, END) control.insert(0, value) else: control["text"] = ( control["text"].split(':')[0] + ': ' + str(value)) __ui.change_entry = old_change_entry
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