Source code for core.terminal

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Handles terminal detection on Linux and terminal command lines."""

import os
import shlex
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import time

from . import log
from .lnp import lnp

[docs]def get_terminal_command(cmd, force_custom=False): """ Returns a command to launch <cmd> in a new terminal. On Linux, if force_custom is set, the custom terminal command will be used. """ log.d("Preparing terminal command for command line %s", cmd) if not isinstance(cmd, list): cmd = [cmd, ] if sys.platform == 'darwin': return ['open', '-a', ''] + cmd if sys.platform.startswith('linux'): if force_custom: term = CustomTerminal.get_command_line() log.d("Using custom terminal: %s", term) else: term = get_configured_terminal().get_command_line() log.d( "Using configured terminal: %s, command line %s", term, get_configured_terminal().name) if not term: raise Exception( 'No terminal configured! Use File > Configure Terminal.') if "$" in term: c = [] for s in term: if s == '$': c += cmd else: c.append(s) return c return term + cmd raise Exception('No terminal launcher for platform: ' + sys.platform)
[docs]def get_configured_terminal(): """Retrieves the configured terminal command.""" s = lnp.userconfig.get_string('terminal_type') terminals = get_valid_terminals() for t in terminals: if s == return t return CustomTerminal
[docs]def terminal_configured(): """Returns True if a terminal has been set up.""" return lnp.userconfig.get('terminal_type') is not None
[docs]def get_custom_terminal_cmd(): """Returns the command used by the custom terminal.""" return lnp.userconfig.get_string('terminal')
[docs]def get_valid_terminals(): """Gets the terminals that are available on this system.""" result = [] terminals = _get_terminals() for t in terminals: log.d("Checking for terminal %s", if t.detect(): log.d("Found terminal %s", result.append(t) return result
def _get_terminals(): return LinuxTerminal.__subclasses__()
[docs]def configure_terminal(termname): """Configures the terminal class used to launch a terminal on Linux.""" lnp.userconfig['terminal_type'] = termname lnp.userconfig.save_data()
[docs]def configure_custom_terminal(new_path): """Configures the custom command used to launch a terminal on Linux.""" lnp.userconfig['terminal'] = new_path lnp.userconfig.save_data()
[docs]class LinuxTerminal(object): """ Class for detecting and launching using a dedicated terminal on Linux. """ # Set this in subclasses to provide a label for the terminal. name = "????"
[docs] @staticmethod def detect(): """Detects if this terminal is available."""
[docs] @staticmethod def get_command_line(): """ Returns a subprocess-compatible command to launch a command with this terminal. If the command to be launched should go somewhere other than the end of the command line, use $ to indicate the correct place. """
# Desktop environment-specific terminals
[docs]class KDETerminal(LinuxTerminal): """Handles terminals on KDE (e.g. Konsole).""" name = "KDE"
[docs] @staticmethod def detect(): return os.environ.get('KDE_FULL_SESSION', '') == 'true'
[docs] @staticmethod def get_command_line(): kreadconfig_path = shutil.which('kreadconfig5') or shutil.which('kreadconfig') s = subprocess.check_output([ kreadconfig_path, '--file', 'kdeglobals', '--group', 'General', '--key', 'TerminalApplication', '--default', 'konsole'], universal_newlines=True).replace('\n', '') return ['nohup', s, '-e']
[docs]class GNOMETerminal(LinuxTerminal): """Handles terminals on GNOME and Cinnamon (e.g. gnome-terminal).""" name = "GNOME/Cinnamon"
[docs] @staticmethod def detect(): if os.environ.get('GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID', ''): return True if os.environ.get('CINNAMON_VERSION', ''): return True with open(os.devnull, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as FNULL: try: return [ 'dbus-send', '--print-reply', '--dest=org.freedesktop.DBus', '/org/freedesktop/DBus', 'org.freedesktop.DBus.GetNameOwner', 'string:org.gnome.SessionManager' ], stdout=FNULL, stderr=FNULL) == 0 except Exception: return False try: GNOMETerminal.get_command_line() # Attempt to get the command line return True except Exception: return False
[docs] @staticmethod def get_command_line(): try: # Try gsettings first (e.g. Ubuntu 17.04) term = subprocess.check_output([ 'gsettings', 'get', 'org.gnome.desktop.default-applications.terminal', 'exec' ], universal_newlines=True).replace('\n', '').replace("'", '') term_arg = subprocess.check_output([ 'gsettings', 'get', 'org.gnome.desktop.default-applications.terminal', 'exec-arg' ], universal_newlines=True).replace('\n', '').replace("'", '') return ['nohup', term, term_arg] except Exception: # fallback to older gconf pass try: term = subprocess.check_output([ 'gconftool-2', '--get', '/desktop/gnome/applications/terminal/exec' ], universal_newlines=True).replace('\n', '') term_arg = subprocess.check_output([ 'gconftool-2', '--get', '/desktop/gnome/applications/terminal/exec_arg' ], universal_newlines=True).replace('\n', '') return ['nohup', term, term_arg] except Exception as exc: raise Exception("Unable to determine terminal command.") from exc
[docs]class XfceTerminal(LinuxTerminal): """Handles terminals in the Xfce desktop environment.""" name = "Xfce"
[docs] @staticmethod def detect(): try: s = subprocess.check_output( ['ps', '-eo', 'comm='], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True) return 'xfce' in s except Exception: return False
[docs] @staticmethod def get_command_line(): return ['nohup', 'exo-open', '--launch', 'TerminalEmulator']
[docs]class LXDETerminal(LinuxTerminal): """Handles terminals in LXDE.""" name = "LXDE"
[docs] @staticmethod def detect(): if os.environ.get('DESKTOP_SESSION', '') != 'LXDE': return False with open(os.devnull, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as FNULL: try: return ['which', 'lxterminal'], stdout=FNULL, stderr=FNULL, close_fds=True) == 0 except Exception: return False
[docs] @staticmethod def get_command_line(): return ['nohup', 'lxterminal', '-e']
[docs]class MateTerminal(LinuxTerminal): """Handles the Mate desktop environment using mate-terminal.""" name = "Mate"
[docs] @staticmethod def detect(): if os.environ.get('MATE_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID', ''): return True with open(os.devnull, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as FNULL: try: return [ 'dbus-send', '--print-reply', '--dest=org.freedesktop.DBus', '/org/freedesktop/DBus', 'org.freedesktop.DBus.GetNameOwner', 'string:org.mate.SessionManager' ], stdout=FNULL, stderr=FNULL) == 0 except Exception: return False
[docs] @staticmethod def get_command_line(): return ['nohup', 'mate-terminal', '-x']
[docs]class i3Terminal(LinuxTerminal): """Handles terminals in the i3 desktop environment.""" name = "i3"
[docs] @staticmethod def detect(): return os.environ.get('DESKTOP_STARTUP_ID', '').startswith('i3/')
[docs] @staticmethod def get_command_line(): return ['nohup', 'i3-sensible-terminal', '-e']
# Generic terminals (rxvt, xterm, etc.)
[docs]class rxvtTerminal(LinuxTerminal): """Handles rxvt and urxvt terminals. urxvt is used if both are available.""" name = "(u)rxvt"
[docs] @staticmethod def detect(): with open(os.devnull, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as FNULL: try: if ['which', 'urxvt'], stdout=FNULL, stderr=FNULL) == 0: rxvtTerminal.exe = 'urxvt' return True if ['which', 'rxvt'], stdout=FNULL, stderr=FNULL) == 0: rxvtTerminal.exe = 'rxvt' return True except Exception: return False return None
[docs] @staticmethod def get_command_line(): return ['nohup', rxvtTerminal.exe, '-e']
[docs]class xtermTerminal(LinuxTerminal): """Handles the xterm terminal.""" name = "xterm"
[docs] @staticmethod def detect(): with open(os.devnull, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as FNULL: try: return ['which', 'xterm'], stdout=FNULL, stderr=FNULL, close_fds=True) == 0 except Exception: return False
[docs] @staticmethod def get_command_line(): return ['nohup', 'xterm', '-e']
[docs]class CustomTerminal(LinuxTerminal): """Allows custom terminal commands to handle missing cases.""" name = "Custom command"
[docs] @staticmethod def detect(): # Custom commands are always an option return True
[docs] @staticmethod def get_command_line(): cmd = get_custom_terminal_cmd() if cmd: return shlex.split(cmd) return []
# Terminal testing algorithm: # Main app, in thread: # Generate temporary file name for synchronization. # Write 0 to file. # Start parent w/ file name. # Wait for parent to terminate. # Report success if file contains 4 within 10 seconds, else report error. # Delete temporary file. # # Parent: # If child process stops running, terminate. # Start child process. # Write 1 to file. # Ensure file contains 2 within 10 seconds. # Write 3 to file. Terminate self. # # Child: # Ensure file contains 1 within 10 seconds. # Write 2 to file. # Ensure file contains 3 within 10 seconds. # Wait 3 seconds for parent to terminate. # Write 4 to file. Terminate self. def _terminal_test_wait(fn, value): """ Waits for file named <fn> to contain <value>. Returns True on success, False on timeout. """ value = str(value) timer = 0 interval = 0.5 while timer < 10: time.sleep(interval) try: with open(fn, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as f: if value == return True except Exception: pass timer += interval return False def _terminal_test_report(fn, value): """Writes a status value <value> to file named <fn>.""" while True: try: with open(fn, 'w+b') as f: f.write(str(value).encode('utf-8')) return except IOError: pass
[docs]def terminal_test_run(status_callback=None): """ Starts and manages the test of terminal launching. Intermittent status messages may be received on function <status_callback>. Return value is (a, b), where a is a boolean marking the success of the test and b is a status text describing the result. """ progress = { '0': 'Spawning parent process...', '1': 'Spawning child process...', '2': 'Waiting for parent to terminate...', '3': 'Waiting for child to terminate...', '4': 'Done!' } endmsg = { '0': 'Failed to start test. Check that the command is typed correctly.', '1': 'Parent process was blocked by child.', '2': 'Parent process died before child reported back.', '3': 'Child process was terminated along with parent.', '4': 'Success!' } log.d("Starting terminal test.") with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as f: t = cmd = sys.argv[:] + ['--terminal-test-parent', t] if sys.executable not in cmd: cmd.insert(0, sys.executable) cmd = get_terminal_command(cmd, True) with subprocess.Popen(cmd) as p: while p.poll() is None: with open(t, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as f: value = try: log.d("Test status: %s" % progress[value]) status_callback(progress[value]) except Exception: pass timer = 0 interval = 0.5 while timer < 10: time.sleep(interval) try: with open(t, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as f: value = log.d("Test status: %s" % progress[value]) if value == '4': break except Exception: pass timer += interval os.remove(t) log.d("Test complete: %s" % endmsg.get(value, 'Unknown error.')) return (value == '4', endmsg.get(value, 'Unknown error.'))
[docs]def terminal_test_parent(t): """Tests the parent side of terminal launching.""" print("Terminal successfully started! Test will begin in 3 seconds.") time.sleep(3) cmd = sys.argv[:-2] + ['--terminal-test-child', t] if sys.executable not in cmd: cmd.insert(0, sys.executable) cmd = get_terminal_command(cmd, True) print("Launching child process...") with subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) as p: _terminal_test_report(t, 1) if p.poll(): return 1 print("Waiting for child process to start...") if not _terminal_test_wait(t, 2): p.kill() return 2 if p.poll(): return 1 print("Terminating parent process...") _terminal_test_report(t, 3) return 0
[docs]def terminal_test_child(t): """Tests the child side of terminal launching.""" t = sys.argv[-1] print("Waiting for parent process to continue...") if not _terminal_test_wait(t, 1): return 1 _terminal_test_report(t, 2) print("Waiting for parent process to terminate...") if not _terminal_test_wait(t, 3): return 1 print("Test complete. Will terminate in 3 seconds.") time.sleep(3) _terminal_test_report(t, 4) return 0