#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Mod Pack management and merging tools."""
import glob
import os
import shutil
import sys
import time
from difflib import SequenceMatcher, ndiff
from . import baselines, log, manifest, paths
from .lnp import lnp
def _shutil_wrap(fn):
def _wrapped_fn(*args, **kwargs):
i = 0
while i < 5:
fn(*args, **kwargs)
except Exception:
i += 1
return _wrapped_fn
# Use sys.platform directly to prevent possible issues with initialization order
if sys.platform == 'win32':
shutil.rmtree = _shutil_wrap(shutil.rmtree)
shutil.copytree = _shutil_wrap(shutil.copytree)
[docs]def toggle_premerge_gfx():
"""Sets the option for pre-merging of graphics."""
lnp.userconfig['premerge_graphics'] = not lnp.userconfig.get_bool(
[docs]def will_premerge_gfx():
"""Returns whether graphics will be merged prior to any mods."""
return lnp.userconfig.get_bool('premerge_graphics')
[docs]def read_mods():
"""Returns a list of mod packs"""
return [os.path.basename(o) for o in glob.glob(paths.get('mods', '*'))
if os.path.isdir(o)
and manifest.is_compatible('mods', os.path.basename(o))]
[docs]def get_title(mod):
"""Returns the mod title; either per manifest or from dirname."""
title = manifest.get_cfg('mods', mod).get_string('title')
if title:
return title
return mod
[docs]def simplify_mods():
"""Removes unnecessary files from all mods."""
mods, files = 0, 0
for pack in read_mods():
mods += 1
files += simplify_pack(pack)
return mods, files
[docs]def simplify_pack(pack):
"""Removes unnecessary files from one mod.
path segment in './LNP/Mods/pack/' as a string
The sum of files affected by the operations
# Here we use the heuristic that mods which are bundled with other files
# contain a complete set of raws, and vanilla files which are missing
# should not be inserted. We thus add empty files to fill out the set in
# cases where several files are removed.
i = baselines.simplify_pack(pack, 'mods')
if not i:
i = 0
if i > 10:
log.w('Reducing mod "{}": assume vanilla files were omitted '
i += make_blank_files(pack)
i += baselines.remove_vanilla_raws_from_pack(pack, 'mods')
i += baselines.remove_empty_dirs(pack, 'mods')
return i
[docs]def make_blank_files(pack):
"""Create blank files where vanilla files are missing.
path segment in './LNP/folder/pack/' as strings
The number of blank files created
i = 0
vanilla_raws = baselines.find_vanilla_raws()
for root, _, files in os.walk(vanilla_raws):
for k in files:
f = os.path.relpath(os.path.join(root, k), vanilla_raws)
if not os.path.isfile(paths.get('mods', pack, f)):
filepath = paths.get('mods', pack, f)
with open(filepath, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as blank:
i += 1
return i
[docs]def install_mods():
"""Deletes installed raw folder, and copies over merged raws."""
merge_log = paths.get('baselines', 'temp', 'raw', 'installed_raws.txt')
if read_installation_log(merge_log):
shutil.rmtree(paths.get('df', 'raw'))
shutil.rmtree(paths.get('df', 'data', 'speech'))
shutil.copytree(paths.get('baselines', 'temp', 'raw'),
paths.get('df', 'raw'))
shutil.copytree(paths.get('baselines', 'temp', 'data', 'speech'),
paths.get('df', 'data', 'speech'))
return True
log.w('To avoid data loss, PyLNP only installs mods if a log exists')
return False
[docs]def merge_all_mods(list_of_mods, gfx=None):
"""Merges the specified list of mods, starting with graphics if set to
pre-merge (or if a pack is specified explicitly).
a list of the names of mods to merge
a graphics pack to be merged in
A list of status ints for each mod given:
-1: Unmerged
0: Merge was successful, all well
1: Potential compatibility issues, no merge problems
2: Non-fatal error, overlapping lines or non-existent mod etc.
3: Fatal error, not returned (rebuilds to previous, rest unmerged)
from . import graphics
if gfx:
elif will_premerge_gfx():
ret_list = []
for i, mod in enumerate(list_of_mods):
status = merge_a_mod(mod)
if status == 3:
log.i('Mod {}, in {}, could not be merged.'.format(
mod, str(list_of_mods)))
merged = merge_all_mods(list_of_mods[:i - 1], gfx)
return merged + [-1] * len(list_of_mods[i:])
return ret_list
[docs]def merge_a_mod(mod):
"""Merges the specified mod, and returns an exit code 0-3.
0: Merge was successful, all well
1: Potential compatibility issues, no merge problems
2: Non-fatal error, overlapping lines or non-existent mod etc.
3: Fatal error, respond by rebuilding to previous mod
log.push_prefix('In "' + mod + '": ')
if not baselines.find_vanilla_raws():
log.e('Could not merge: baseline raws unavailable')
return 3
log.d('Starting to merge mod: {}'.format(mod))
mod_raw_folder = paths.get('mods', mod, 'raw')
if not os.path.isdir(mod_raw_folder):
log.w('mod is invalid; /raw/ must be a directory')
return 2
status = merge_folder(mod_raw_folder, baselines.find_vanilla_raws(),
paths.get('baselines', 'temp', 'raw'))
if os.path.isdir(paths.get('mods', mod, 'data', 'speech')):
status = max(status, merge_folder(
paths.get('mods', mod, 'data', 'speech'),
os.path.join(baselines.find_vanilla(), 'data', 'speech'),
paths.get('baselines', 'temp', 'data', 'speech')))
if status < 3:
with open(paths.get('baselines', 'temp', 'raw', 'installed_raws.txt'),
'a', encoding="utf-8") as f:
f.write('mods/' + mod + '\n')
log.i('Finished merging')
return status
[docs]def merge_folder(mod_folder, vanilla_folder, mixed_folder):
"""Merge the specified folders, output going in 'LNP/Baselines/temp'
Text files are merged; other files (sprites etc.) are copied over."""
status = 0
for root, _, files in os.walk(mod_folder):
# We want to make any directory in our mod folder in the mixed folder
# if it doesn't already exist. Fixes #173
mixed_dir = os.path.join(mixed_folder,
os.path.relpath(root, mod_folder))
if not os.path.isdir(mixed_dir):
for k in files:
f = os.path.relpath(os.path.join(root, k), mod_folder)
log.push_prefix('file "' + f + '": ')
mod_f = os.path.join(mod_folder, f)
van_f = os.path.join(vanilla_folder, f)
gen_f = os.path.join(mixed_folder, f)
if any(f.endswith(a) for a in ('.txt', '.init')):
# merge raws and DFHack init files
status = max(status, merge_file(mod_f, van_f, gen_f))
elif any(f.endswith(a) for a in ('.lua', '.rb', '.bmp', '.png')):
# copy DFHack scripts or sprite sheets
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(gen_f)):
if not os.path.isfile(gen_f):
shutil.copy2(mod_f, gen_f)
status = max(1, status)
with open(mod_f, 'rb') as f:
mb = f.read()
with open(gen_f, 'rb') as f:
gb = f.read()
if mb != gb:
shutil.copyfile(mod_f, gen_f)
status = max(2, status)
log.d('merged with status {}'.format(status))
return status
[docs]def merge_file(mod_file_name, van_file_name, gen_file_name):
"""Merges three files, and returns an exit code 0-3.
0: Merge was successful, all well
1: Potential compatibility issues, no merge problems
2: Non-fatal error, overlapping lines or non-existent mod etc.
3: Fatal error, respond by rebuilding to previous mod
van_lines, mod_lines, gen_lines = [], [], []
for fname, lines in ((van_file_name, van_lines),
(mod_file_name, mod_lines),
(gen_file_name, gen_lines)):
with open(fname, encoding='cp437', errors='replace') as f:
except IOError:
log.d(fname + ' cannot be read; merging other files')
status, gen_lines = merge_line_list(mod_lines, van_lines, gen_lines)
with open(gen_file_name, "w", encoding='cp437') as gen_file:
except Exception:
log.e('Writing to {} failed'.format(gen_file_name))
status = 3
return status
[docs]def merge_line_list(mod_text, vanilla_text, gen_text):
"""Merges sequences of lines.
The lines of the mod file being added to the merge.
The lines of the corresponding vanilla file.
The lines of the previously merged file or files.
tuple(status, lines); status is 0/'ok' or 2/'overlap merged'
if mod_text and vanilla_text == gen_text:
log.d('no overlap with previous mods, replacing vanilla file')
return 0, mod_text
if gen_text and vanilla_text == mod_text:
log.d('mod file identical to vanilla file')
return 0, gen_text
if gen_text and gen_text == mod_text:
log.d('changes are identical to a previously merged mod')
return 0, gen_text
if mod_text and gen_text and not vanilla_text:
log.d('Falling back to two-way merge; no vanilla file exists.')
return 0, [s[2:] for s in ndiff(gen_text, mod_text)]
log.d('performing three-way merge')
# SequenceMatcher describes the diff to vanilla
gen_ops = SequenceMatcher(None, vanilla_text, gen_text).get_opcodes()
mod_ops = SequenceMatcher(None, vanilla_text, mod_text).get_opcodes()
outfile = []
for block in three_way_merge(gen_text, gen_ops, mod_text, mod_ops):
log.d('writing block')
status = outfile.pop()
return status, outfile
[docs]def three_way_merge(gen_text, van_gen_ops, mod_text, van_mod_ops):
"""Yield blocks of lines from a three-way-merge. Last block is status."""
# pylint:disable=too-many-statements
status, cur_v, mod_i2, gen_i2 = 0, 0, 1, 1
while van_mod_ops and van_gen_ops:
log.d('before pop')
log.d('gen ops: ' + str(van_gen_ops))
log.d('mod ops: ' + str(van_mod_ops))
'mod_i2: ' + str(mod_i2)
+ ' gen_i2: ' + str(gen_i2)
+ ' cur_v: ' + str(cur_v))
if mod_i2 <= cur_v:
log.d('pop mod')
if gen_i2 <= cur_v:
log.d('pop gen')
log.d('after pop')
log.d('gen ops: ' + str(van_gen_ops))
log.d('mod ops: ' + str(van_mod_ops))
if len(van_mod_ops) == 0 or len(van_gen_ops) == 0:
log.d('out of entries')
_, _, mod_i2, mod_j1, mod_j2 = van_mod_ops[0]
gen_tag, _, gen_i2, gen_j1, gen_j2 = van_gen_ops[0]
low_i2 = min(mod_i2, gen_i2)
if van_mod_ops[0][0] == 'equal':
log.d('equal mod ops')
if gen_tag == 'equal':
log.d('equal gen tag')
yield gen_text[cur_v:low_i2]
cur_v = low_i2
log.d('back from equal gen tag')
log.d('not equal gen tag')
yield gen_text[gen_j1:gen_j2]
cur_v = gen_i2
if gen_tag == 'equal':
log.d('not equal mod op, equal gen tag')
yield mod_text[mod_j1:mod_j2]
cur_v = mod_i2
'yield mod text (cur_v: ' + str(cur_v)
+ ', mod_j2: ' + str(mod_j2) + '): '
+ str(mod_text[cur_v:mod_j2]))
yield mod_text[cur_v:mod_j2]
log.d('back from yield mod text')
if gen_text[cur_v:low_i2] != mod_text[cur_v:low_i2]:
status = 2
log.d('Overwrite merge at line {}'.format(cur_v))
log.v('- ' + '- '.join(gen_text[cur_v:low_i2])
+ '+ ' + '+ '.join(mod_text[cur_v:low_i2]))
cur_v = low_i2
while van_mod_ops:
log.d('popping mod ops')
_, _, _, mod_j1, mod_j2 = van_mod_ops.pop(0)
yield mod_text[mod_j1:mod_j2]
while van_gen_ops:
log.d('popping gen ops')
_, _, _, gen_j1, gen_j2 = van_gen_ops.pop(0)
yield gen_text[gen_j1:gen_j2]
log.d('yield status')
yield [status]
[docs]def clear_temp():
"""Resets the folder in which raws are mixed."""
if not baselines.find_vanilla_raws(False):
log.e('Could not clear temp: baseline raws unavailable')
if os.path.exists(paths.get('baselines', 'temp')):
shutil.rmtree(paths.get('baselines', 'temp'))
paths.get('baselines', 'temp', 'raw'))
shutil.rmtree(paths.get('baselines', 'temp', 'raw', 'graphics'))
shutil.copytree(os.path.join(baselines.find_vanilla(), 'data', 'speech'),
paths.get('baselines', 'temp', 'data', 'speech'))
with open(paths.get('baselines', 'temp', 'raw', 'installed_raws.txt'),
'w', encoding="utf-8") as f:
f.write('# List of raws merged by PyLNP:\nbaselines/'
+ os.path.basename(baselines.find_vanilla()) + '\n')
[docs]def update_raw_dir(path, gfx=('', '')):
"""Updates a raw dir in place with specified graphics and raws.
True if completed, or False if aborted.
the full path to the dir to update
Tuple of graphics pack to update to,
and pack installed in baselines/temp/
mods_list = read_installation_log(os.path.join(path, 'installed_raws.txt'))
built_log = paths.get('baselines', 'temp', 'raw', 'installed_raws.txt')
built_mods = read_installation_log(built_log)
if mods_list != built_mods or gfx[0] != gfx[1]:
if -1 in merge_all_mods(mods_list, gfx[0]):
log.w('Some mods in {} could not be re-merged'.format(path))
return False
shutil.copytree(paths.get('baselines', 'temp', 'raw'), path)
return True
[docs]def add_graphics(gfx):
"""Adds graphics to the mod merge in baselines/temp."""
from . import graphics
gfx_raws = paths.get('graphics', gfx, 'raw')
for root, _, files in os.walk(gfx_raws):
dst = paths.get('baselines', 'temp', 'raw',
os.path.relpath(root, gfx_raws))
if not os.path.isdir(dst):
for f in files:
shutil.copy2(os.path.join(root, f), dst)
with open(paths.get('baselines', 'temp', 'raw', 'installed_raws.txt'),
'a', encoding="utf-8") as f:
log.i('{} graphics added (small mod compatibility risk)'.format(gfx))
[docs]def can_rebuild(log_file, strict=True):
"""Test if user can exactly rebuild a raw folder, returning a bool."""
if not os.path.isfile(log_file):
guess = not strict
log.w('{} not found; assume rebuildable = {}'.format(log_file, guess))
return guess
mod_list = read_installation_log(log_file)
return all(m in read_mods() for m in mod_list)
[docs]def make_mod_from_installed_raws(name):
"""Capture whatever unavailable mods a user currently has installed
as a mod called $name.
* If ``installed_raws.txt`` is not present, compare to vanilla
* Otherwise, rebuild as much as possible, then compare to installed
if get_installed_mods_from_log():
for mod in get_installed_mods_from_log():
reconstruction = paths.get('baselines', 'temp2')
shutil.copytree(paths.get('baselines', 'temp'), reconstruction)
reconstruction = baselines.find_vanilla()
if not reconstruction:
return None
merge_folder(os.path.join(reconstruction, 'raw'),
paths.get('df', 'raw'),
paths.get('baselines', 'temp', 'raw'))
merge_folder(os.path.join(reconstruction, 'data', 'speech'),
paths.get('df', 'data', 'speech'),
paths.get('baselines', 'temp', 'data', 'speech'))
baselines.simplify_pack('temp', 'baselines')
baselines.remove_vanilla_raws_from_pack('temp', 'baselines')
baselines.remove_empty_dirs('temp', 'baselines')
if os.path.isdir(paths.get('baselines', 'temp2')):
shutil.rmtree(paths.get('baselines', 'temp2'))
if name and os.path.isdir(paths.get('baselines', 'temp')):
if os.path.isdir(paths.get('mods', name)):
return False
shutil.copytree(paths.get('baselines', 'temp'), paths.get('mods', name))
return True
return None
[docs]def get_installed_mods_from_log():
"""Return best mod load order to recreate installed with available."""
logged = read_installation_log(paths.get('df', 'raw', 'installed_raws.txt'))
return [mod for mod in logged if mod in read_mods()]
[docs]def read_installation_log(fname):
"""Read an 'installed_raws.txt' and return the mods."""
with open(fname, encoding="utf-8") as f:
file_contents = list(f.readlines())
except IOError:
log.d('Log not found: ' + fname)
return []
mods_list = []
for line in file_contents:
if line.startswith('mods/'):
mods_list.append(line.strip().replace('mods/', ''))
return mods_list