Source code for core.helpers

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Helper functions."""

import glob
import os
import platform
import sys

from . import log
from .dfraw import DFRaw

[docs]def get_text_files(directory): """ Returns a list of .txt files in <directory>. Excludes all filenames beginning with "readme" (case-insensitive). Args: directory: the directory to search. """ temp = glob.glob(os.path.join(directory, '*.txt')) result = [] for f in temp: if not os.path.basename(f).lower().startswith('readme'): result.append(f) return result
[docs]def detect_installed_file(current_file, test_files): """Returns the file in <test_files> which is contained in <current_file>, or "Unknown".""" try: current = for f in test_files: tested = if tested.endswith('\n'): tested = tested[:-1] if tested in current: return f except IOError: pass return "Unknown"
[docs]def detect_installed_files(current_file, test_files): """Returns a list of files in <test_files> that are contained in <current_file>.""" if not os.path.isfile(current_file): log.d('Nothing installed in nonexistent file {}'.format(current_file)) return [] installed = [] try: current = for f in test_files: try: tested = if tested.endswith('\n'): tested = tested[:-1] if tested in current: installed.append(f) except IOError: log.e('Cannot tell if {} is installed; read failed'.format(f)) except IOError: log.e('Cannot check installs in {}; read failed'.format(current_file)) return installed
[docs]def get_resource(filename): """ If running in a bundle, this will point to the place internal resources are located; if running the script directly, no modification takes place. Args: filename (str): the ordinary path to the resource Returns: (str): Path for bundled filename """ from .lnp import lnp if lnp.bundle == 'osx': # file is inside application bundle on OS X return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), filename) if lnp.bundle in ['win', 'linux']: # file is inside executable on Linux and Windows # pylint: disable=protected-access, no-member return os.path.join(sys._MEIPASS, filename) return os.path.abspath(filename)
[docs]def os_is_64bit(): """Returns true if running on a 64-bit OS.""" return platform.machine().endswith('64')
[docs]def key_from_underscore_prefixed_string(s): """Converts a string to a key such that strings prefixed with an underscore will be sorted before other strings.""" return not s.startswith('_'), s