#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Code relating to a specific Dwarf Fortress installation."""
import os
import re
import shutil
import struct
import sys
import zlib
from datetime import datetime
from functools import total_ordering
from glob import glob
from . import hacks, log, paths
from .lnp import VERSION, lnp
from .settings import DFConfiguration
[docs]def find_df_folders():
"""Locates all suitable Dwarf Fortress installations (folders starting
with "Dwarf Fortress" or "df")"""
lnp.folders = tuple(
os.path.basename(o) for o in glob(os.path.join(lnp.BASEDIR, '*')) if
os.path.isdir(o) and (os.path.exists(os.path.join(
o, 'data', 'init', 'init.txt')) or os.path.exists(os.path.join(
o, 'data', 'init', 'init_default.txt'))))
[docs]def find_df_folder():
"""Tries to select a Dwarf Fortress folder. The set of valid folders is
first detected. If a folder name is passed as the first argument to the
script, that folder will be used. Otherwise, if only one valid folder was
detected, that one will be selected."""
if len(lnp.folders) == 1:
if lnp.args.df_folder and lnp.args.df_folder in lnp.folders:
[docs]def set_df_folder(path):
Selects the Dwarf Fortress instance to operate on.
path: The path of the Dwarf Fortress instance to use.
paths.register('df', lnp.BASEDIR, path, allow_create=False)
paths.register('data', paths.get('df'), 'data', allow_create=False)
paths.register('init', paths.get('data'), 'init', allow_create=False)
paths.register('save', paths.get('data'), 'save', allow_create=False)
paths.register('extras', paths.get('lnp'), 'Extras')
paths.register('defaults', paths.get('lnp'), 'Defaults')
if os.path.exists(paths.get('df', 'hack', 'init')):
'dfhack_config', paths.get('df', 'dfhack-config', 'init'))
paths.register('dfhack_config', paths.get('df'), allow_create=False)
lnp.df_info = DFInstall(paths.get('df'))
lnp.settings = lnp.df_info.settings
if lnp.args.release_prep or lnp.args.raw_lint:
[docs]def do_rawlint(path):
"""Runs the raw linter on the specified directory.
bool: True if all files in the directory passed the linter.
from . import rawlint
p, f = rawlint.check_df(path)
log.i("%d files passed, %d files failed check" % (len(p), len(f)))
return len(f) == 0
[docs]def cycle_option(field):
Cycles an option field between its possible values.
field: the field to cycle.
[docs]def set_option(field, value):
Sets a field to a specific value.
field: the field to set.
value: the new value for the field.
lnp.settings.set_value(field, value)
[docs]def load_params():
"""Loads settings from the selected Dwarf Fortress instance."""
except IOError as exc:
msg = 'Failed to read settings, {} not really a DF dir?'.format(
log.e(msg, stack=True)
raise IOError(msg) from exc
[docs]def save_params():
"""Saves settings to the selected Dwarf Fortress instance."""
[docs]def restore_defaults():
"""Copy default settings into the selected Dwarf Fortress instance."""
log.i('Restoring to default settings')
if lnp.df_info.version >= '50.01':
os.remove(paths.get('df', 'd_init.txt'))
os.remove(paths.get('df', 'init.txt'))
shutil.copy(paths.get('defaults', 'init.txt'),
paths.get('init', 'init.txt'))
if lnp.df_info.version > '0.31.03':
shutil.copy(paths.get('defaults', 'd_init.txt'),
paths.get('init', 'd_init.txt'))
[docs]class DFInstall(object):
"""Contains properties and paths for a given Dwarf Fortress installation."""
def __init__(self, path):
self.df_dir = path
self.init_dir = os.path.join(path, 'data', 'init')
self.save_dir = os.path.join(path, 'data', 'save')
self.version, self.source = self.detect_version()
self.variations = self.detect_variations()
self.settings = DFConfiguration(path, self)
def __str__(self):
result = 'Dwarf Fortress version: {0} (detected using {1})'.format(
self.version, self.source)
if self.variations:
result += '\nVariations detected: ' + ', '.join(self.variations)
return result
def _detect_version_from_index():
"""The most reliable way to detect DF version is '<df>/data/index'.
Adapted from https://github.com/lethosor/dftext
def convert(func, string):
"""Convert between string and bytes on Py3."""
return func(string, encoding='cp437')
def index_scramble(text):
"""Unscrambles data from the index file."""
text = list(text)
for i, ch in enumerate(text):
text[i] = chr(255 - (i % 5) - ch)
return convert(bytes, ''.join(text))
with open(paths.get('df', 'data', 'index'), 'rb') as f:
in_text = f.read()
decompressed = b''
while in_text:
chunk_length = struct.unpack(str('<L'), in_text[:4])[0]
end = chunk_length + 4
decompressed += zlib.decompress(in_text[4:end])
in_text = in_text[end:]
record_count = struct.unpack(str('<L'), decompressed[:4])[0]
decompressed = decompressed[4:]
for _ in range(record_count):
record_length, record_length_2 = \
struct.unpack(str('<LH'), decompressed[:6])
decompressed = decompressed[6:]
if record_length != record_length_2:
raise ValueError('Record lengths do not match')
record = decompressed[:record_length]
decompressed = decompressed[record_length:]
record = convert(str, index_scramble(record)).strip()
# Check if version is in record of form "18~v0.40.24\r\n"
if re.search(r"\d+~v[\d.a-z]+", record) is not None:
return (Version(record.partition('v')[-1]), 'index')
def _detect_version_from_notes(self):
"""Attempt to detect Dwarf Fortress version based on release notes."""
notes = os.path.join(self.df_dir, 'release notes.txt')
with open(notes, encoding='latin1') as notes_text:
m = re.search(r"Release notes for ([\d.a-z]+)", notes_text.read())
return (Version(m.group(1)), 'release notes')
def _detect_version_from_init(self):
"""Attempt to detect Dwarf Fortress version from init file contents."""
init = os.path.join(self.init_dir, 'init.txt')
if not os.path.exists(init):
init = os.path.join(self.init_dir, 'init_default.txt')
d_init = os.path.join(self.init_dir, 'd_init.txt')
if not os.path.exists(d_init):
d_init = os.path.join(self.init_dir, 'd_init_default.txt')
versions = [
(init, 'USE_CLASSIC_ASCII', '0.50.04', {}),
(init, 'MAXIMUM_INTERFACE_PERCENTAGE', '0.50.02', {}),
(init, 'MASTER_VOLUME', '0.50.01', {}),
(d_init, 'VISITOR_CAP', '0.42.01', {}),
(d_init, 'GRAZE_COEFFICIENT', '0.40.13', {}),
(d_init, 'POST_PREPARE_EMBARK_CONFIRMATION', '0.40.09', {}),
(d_init, 'STRICT_POPULATION_CAP', '0.40.05', {}),
(d_init, 'TREE_ROOTS', '0.40.01', {}),
(d_init, 'TRACK_N', '0.34.08', {}),
(d_init, 'SET_LABOR_LISTS', '0.34.03', {}),
(d_init, 'WALKING_SPREADS_SPATTER_DWF', '0.31.16', {}),
(d_init, 'PILLAR_TILE', '0.31.08', {}),
(d_init, 'AUTOSAVE', '0.31.04', {}),
(init, 'COMPRESSED_SAVES', '0.31.01', {}),
(init, 'PARTIAL_PRINT', '', {'num_params': 2}),
(init, 'FULLGRID', '', {}),
(init, 'STORE_DIST_ITEM_DECREASE', '', {}),
(init, 'GRID', '', {}),
(init, 'SHOW_EMBARK_RIVER', '', {}),
(init, 'IDLERS', '', {}),
(init, 'AUTOSAVE_PAUSE', '', {}),
(init, 'ZERO_RENT', '', {}),
(init, 'PAUSE_ON_LOAD', '', {}),
(init, 'PRIORITY', '', {}),
(init, 'AUTOSAVE', '', {}),
(init, 'POPULATION_CAP', '', {}),
(init, 'FPS', '', {}),
(init, 'BLACK_SPACE', '', {}),
(init, 'ADVENTURER_TRAPS', '', {}),
(init, 'MOUSE', '', {}),
(init, 'WINDOWED', '', {}),
(init, 'KEY_HOLD_MS', '', {}),
(init, 'SOUND', '', {})]
for v in versions:
if DFConfiguration.has_field(v[0], v[1], **v[3]):
log.w('DF version detected based on init analysis; unreliable')
return (Version(v[2]), 'init detection')
return None
[docs] def detect_version(self):
Attempt to detect Dwarf Fortress version from data/index,
release notes or init file contents.
for func in (self._detect_version_from_index,
ver = func()
if ver is not None:
return ver
except Exception:
log.w('DF version could not be detected, assuming')
return (Version(''), 'fallback')
[docs] def detect_variations(self):
Detect known variations to allow the launcher to adjust accordingly.
Currently supports DFHack, TWBT, and legacy builds.
result = []
if (os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.df_dir, 'dfhack'))
or os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.df_dir, 'SDLreal.dll'))
or os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.df_dir, 'SDLhack.dll'))):
if glob(os.path.join(
self.df_dir, 'hack', 'plugins', 'twbt.plug.*')):
if self.version <= '0.31.12' or not DFConfiguration.has_field(
os.path.join(self.init_dir, 'init.txt'), 'PRINT_MODE'):
return result
[docs] def get_archive_name(self):
"""Return the filename of the download for this version.
Always windows, for comparison of raws in baselines.
Prefer small and SDL releases when available."""
# checked and correct for all versions up to 0.40.24
if self.version >= '50.01':
base = 'df_' + str(self.version).replace('.', '_')
base = 'df_' + str(self.version)[2:].replace('.', '_')
if self.version == '50.04':
return base + 'b_win_s.zip'
if self.version >= '0.31.13':
return base + '_win_s.zip'
if self.version >= '0.31.05':
return base + '_legacy_s.zip'
if self.version == '0.31.04':
return base + '_legacy.zip'
if self.version == '0.31.01':
return base + '.zip'
if self.version >= '':
return base + '_s.zip'
return base + '.zip'
# pylint:disable=too-few-public-methods
class Version(object):
"""Container for a version number for easy comparisons."""
def __init__(self, version):
# Known errors in release notes
if version == "":
version = ""
self.version_str = version
s = ""
data = []
for c in version:
if c < '0' or c > '9':
if c != '.':
s = ""
s = s + c
if s != '':
self.data = tuple(data)
def __lt__(self, other):
if not isinstance(self, Version):
return Version(self) < other
if not isinstance(other, Version):
return self < Version(other)
return self.data < other.data
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(self, Version):
return Version(self) == other
if not isinstance(other, Version):
return self == Version(other)
return self.data == other.data
def __str__(self):
return self.version_str